Three ways to become more involved with our schools!
Lake County School District is excited to let you know about a few upcoming initiatives which would be even stronger with community participation.
First, as we expand our instruction to be more hands-on with Expeditionary Learning, one key component is incorporating community experts to add an authentic dynamic to the learning experience. We have topics identified, reflecting our curricular plans, which would be enhanced with a field expert’s input; this could take the form of a guest speaker, a field trip, or even a hands-on learning activity. Topics include: environmental science, musical performance or musicians, leaders in our community (mayor, sheriff, etc.), holiday traditions, any type of engineering, budgeting, insurance, investing, taxes, credit and debt, how reading is used in a variety of careers, cultures of Mesoamerica (Inca, Aztec, Maya), stories of the San Isabel forest ecosystem, ecology, evolution, homeostasis, biology, physics, chemistry, local wildlife, health care, pet care, ranching, exotic animals, geology, mining, and Leadville history. If you would like to volunteer as a field expert, please feel free to contact Kathleen Fitzsimmons at the information below.
Second, we invite parents and community members to participate in a work group that will explore the district’s annual calendar. The calendar work group will meet three times during the months of January and February to examine student, staff and community needs and recommend calendar options or changes to ensure student success and staff fulfillment in the coming years. If you are interested in participating in this work group and representing the community, your insight and time would be greatly appreciated!
Third, the state of Colorado has released new graduation guidelines to be implemented starting with our 9th graders in 2017-18. Our district will be starting some thoughtful work as we examine our own graduation requirements within the new guidelines. Community members are an important part of this work group! If you are interested in shaping what the requirements should be for our graduates to be college- and career-ready, please join us.
If you’re interested in any of these projects, please contact Kathleen Fitzsimmons, ( OR 486-6813) by Friday, January 8th.
We so value our community partnerships, and know that together we can create a rich learning environment for our students that then becomes a strong foundation for our community.
Thank you for your support!