Board of Education-Board Notes for May
Dear Community,
Every year at our meeting in May, we take a moment to celebrate the year that has passed. The Board of Education would like to thank all of our hard working staff and our students for an outstanding year. We are celebrating the “pathways” our seniors took to graduation, including certificates in business, welding, culinary arts, among others and attaining commercial driving licenses. We are celebrating the over one million dollars in scholarships that our students earned for higher education. We are celebrating the recognition that Education Week, a national publication, has given the reform efforts in our schools. We are celebrating the completion of the Masterplan and a new contract with teachers that substantially revised their salary schedule to promote teacher retention. We are celebrating with all our graduates and their families. We are celebrating the Twin Lakes School House and the incredible effort that has gone in to its reconstruction and care. (At our meeting, we voted to sign a 10-year lease with Friends of Twin Lakes School House. You can see photos of the schoolhouse remodel in the board packet available on our website.)
We also spent some time with parents, families and community leaders. Lideres Latinoamericanos, a community leadership group, asked the school district to work on improving front office communications in the schools, especially for Spanish speaking parents. A new bilingual secretary position at the high school supports this request. A newly formed group called Las Voces United that is working to improve how community members and institutions in Lake County understand, prevent, respond to, and heal from violence also visited the Board. They made suggestions regarding policies, practices and procedures in LCSD that superintendent Wendy Wyman is pursuing.
We hope summer does in fact come to Lake County and that everyone enjoys it thoroughly!
Your Board of Education
Eudelia Contreras 970-406-1624; Jeff Fiedler 720-209-8852; Amy Frykholm (president) 970-333-1342; Stephanie McBride 719-293-0155; Ellie Solomon 303-562-5503 (vice president).