LCHS Principal Candidates to visit~ Saturday, Feb. 12th!
Dear Parents, Guardians and Lake County Community,
We are excited to have candidates for the Lake County High School principal vacancy joining us this Saturday, February 12th.
We would love to have you participate in the process!
We will have a few opportunities to be involved in Saturday’s event. You can join one of the two community meet and greet events and/or participate in an interview panel. All activities will take place at Lake County High School.
Community Meet & Greet (8:15-9:00 AM and 12:00-12:45 PM)
Meet and greets will take place in the cafeteria. The first meet and greet will take place at 8:15AM with a provided breakfast. The second meet and greet will take place at 12:00PM with a provided lunch. The meet and greet will be an informal setting in which you may chat with candidates. There will be a comment box available for you to leave your feedback.
Interview Panels (9:15-11:15 AM)
Interview panels will be organized by stakeholder groups and represent parents, students, community, and staff. This portion of the day will include a more formal interview process in which candidates will answer questions following a more traditional interview style event. Candidates will rotate through stakeholder group rooms in 30 minute sessions. If you wish to participate in the interview panel, we ask that you arrive to the high school cafeteria by 8:45AM to receive directions and information about the panel process so that we may direct you to the appropriate location. You will have the opportunity to provide feedback
You do not need to sign up in advance to participate! Interpretation will be provided.
Thank you in advance for your interest in participating in this process as we look for the next principal of LCHS! Hope to see you Saturday!
Lake County School District