November 16, 2020
Oscar Aguilar
December 11, 2020
- Cloud City High School is on RED Status along with the rest of LCSD at this time. Please be sure to log into your Google Meet appointment in order to check-in about how you are doing on your assignments. This is how we will take attendance. Please continue to work on your assignments online as well as update your work based learning log if you are working. These are all important for your attendance.
- NEW! Sexual Health Education Resource: Do you have questions regarding sexual health, but you are not sure who to ask or you’re not comfortable asking? Here’s a free resource available to you 24-7: Text ICYC (In Case You’re Curious) to 57890Confidential sexual health text-line for teens! Receive an answer within 24 hours by a real-life sexual health educator. All responses are medically-accurate, up-to-date and inclusive!Instagram: @incaseyourecurious