Dear LCSD Staff:
Thank you for engaging with your school teams this week, and for reaching out with planning ideas and considerations to the leadership team. This kind of response takes a village, and we have an awesome one!
Wednesday night, the Sheriff published this update. We had a lengthy meeting with the Sheriff’s team yesterday and we are currently working on a plan to reopen schools on Monday with an increased law enforcement presence. We will provide a follow up communication over the weekend with details of what this plan will look like.
While the Sheriff’s investigation may or may not be fully complete by Monday, his team and ours believe we have a plan that will allow our schools to reopen in a prudent and cautious manner regardless of the exact status of the investigation. The situation is dynamic, of course, but I wanted to be transparent about our current thinking. Please watch your email (Not too much! But every now and then) with further details as we head into next week.
We understand that re-entry for staff, families and students is going to require empathy and care. We also know that school is a supportive environment where students are in the presence of amazing adults–all of you. We look forward to brighter days in which we can focus on learning together.
Thank you for everything, and please reach out to your supervisor or me directly with questions,