LCES Panther Cub Communication #21
Week of January 13-16, 2025
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LCES Families, It’s wonderful to be into the swings of things and back to our normal daily routine. We hope your winter break was restful and you got to enjoy time together as a family. Looking ahead, we have a busy January full of testing for our K-2 students. Next week, January 13-15 we are looking forward to DIBELS testing. This is our middle of the year benchmark assessment for literacy. These tests help us measure how well kids are learning, gives us a snapshot on the effectiveness of our interventions, and allows the opportunity to help advance students forward. This assessment is important because it is influential in making big decisions for our district regarding student performance. Please take a couple of minutes this weekend to talk to your student about doing their very best on their DIBELS test. Ensure that your child goes to bed on time and eats breakfast at school or home. We want all students to succeed and show their growth. Doing their very best is the most important part! For K-2 learners, we also have ACCESS testing for students throughout the month of January who have been identified as a multilingual learner. Just like with DIBELS, encourage your child to perform at their highest level and we are looking forward to sharing the results of both assessments with families and guardians soon. Students in kindergarten through second grade should have brought home their semester one progress report in their yellow Thursday folder yesterday. Please review and reach out to your child’s teacher if you have any questions. Unfortunately, our new system, PowerSchool, does not have the capability to translate these to Spanish but we are working hard on a solution for semester 2 progress reports. Please accept our apologies. Families, we are here for you and your children each and every day. Please reach out to share any celebrations, concerns, or questions. We look forward to a semester of many successes! Sincerely, Brandi Lovely, Principal | |
K-2 Specifics | |
January Panther HOWL (Habit of Work & Learning) Focus: Craftsmanship For the month of January, we will celebrating the HOWL of Craftsmanship. Very soon each crew teacher will choose a student of the month for our January community meeting. Craftsmanship means, I can reflect on and revise my work by accepting feedback. I take ownership of my learning, my actions, and my mistakes. The Student of the Month for each crew will be announced at our next community meeting on January 30th. If your student is chosen by their teacher, we will reach out at the beginning of that week to let you know! Do you know what BOOST is? Boost is an online learning literacy platform connected to our CKLA Amplify curriculum. This program is tailored for each student and the specific literacy skills they need to target. To log on to BOOST at home, your child will need their Clever badge which is located on the back of their yellow Thursday folder. Download the Clever app to your phone or tablet to get started on BOOST at home! Just 10 minutes a day is shown to significantly improve a student’s literacy skills. If you need help logging on or need an additional Clever badge, please reach out to your child’s teacher. January Attendance Challenge: For the month of January, crews will be participating in a new attendance challenge. The crew with the best attendance by the end of the month for each grade level will get to go sledding and have snowcones as a reward! Please try to send your student to school every day, unless they are too sick. We appreciate your help in reaching our district goal of 94% attendance! Semester 2 Attendance Challenge: We also have an exciting semester-long attendance challenge to share! This semester, K-2 students who have 1 or fewer absences will have the opportunity to attend a Rockies baseball game in Denver at Coors Field on May 22nd! We will be checking attendance from Jan 6th-May 1st to see who qualifies. Families will be notified if your student has earned this opportunity in the beginning of May. The game is at 1:10 pm so students will come to school as usual, board the buses at 10:00 am, enjoy the game, and return back to school between approximately 5:30-6 pm. The tickets are offered to only students and staff at a reduced rate so we are unable to welcome parent volunteers for this event. Students may opt out of attending if parents so choose. LCIS is also doing an attendance reward at this Rockies game as well so please look for specific information from LCIS in their parent communication as the criteria is slightly different between schools. Make sure your student is present at school every day as long as they are healthy in order to earn this opportunity! We are so excited for this special event! HOWLs Challenge: It is a new quarter which means we have a new HOWLS challenge! Your student will try to earn as many HOWL Dollars as they can by March 20th for the chance to make an indoor snowman craft and drink hot chocolate with the principals on March 26th or 27th during our spring conference half days! The top six HOWL dollar earners in each class will win. If your student wins, we will send home paper communication as well as a message from the front office. Students can earn HOWL Dollars by showing any of our HOWLs to any staff member in the school. The HOWL that we are focusing on for January is craftsmanship. Parent Volunteers: If interested in volunteering, we encourage parents to reach out to their child’s teacher or Mrs. Lovely to see where the biggest need of help may be. Sometimes this may look like making copies or laminating new math materials. We always appreciate the extra help! Food Program: Smart Bellies delivers kid-friendly food weekly and a bag of produce for our families. Register by filling out the form at We will leave the bags of food outside of your door each week. Lake County deliveries happen on Thursday each week. Please feel free to reach out to Smart Bellies at or 970-368-2848 if you have questions, need special accommodations or more food. Smart Bellies entrega semanalmente comida para niños y una bolsa de vegetales para nuestras familias. Regístrese completando el formulario Dejaremos las bolsas de comida afuera de su puerta cada semana. Condado de Lake: Las entregas se realizarán los jueves de cada semana. No dude en comunicarse con Smart Bellies en o al 970-368-2848 si tiene preguntas, necesita adaptaciones especiales o más comida. Interested in more arts experiences for youth/kids in our community? Please take this 1 minute survey to help guide the Tabor Opera House’s growing youth/kids arts programs. | |
K-2 Project Dream Information | |
Hello Project Dream Families, Elementary School Information & Policies Raquel Contreras | LCES Site Supervisor | 719-293-5363 | Changes to Friday Programming, Starting January Transportation is now available morning and afternoon, no mid-day transportation Project Dream is shifting its available, free transportation for Fridays. Starting when we return from Winter Break in January, transportation will available at the following times: Morning: 7:30-8:00 am pickup from home, arrive at Project Dream 8:15 am Afternoon: Depart Project Dream at 2:50 pm, arrive home 3:00-3:30 pm Project Dream will no longer offer mid-day transportation for students arriving at noon. Project Dream has limited capacity (28 available spots) for free transportation. Priority will be given to families who live far away from schools, who don’t have means of transportation, or are unable to drop off/pick up due to work schedules. We ask that families who are able to transport their students to or from Friday programming please do so. For morning transportation, we do not currently have any students registered. Please let your Site Supervisor know if you need transportation in the morning. For afternoon transportation, we will keep the current list of students registered for transportation. Please let your Site Supervisor know if you need transportation in the afternoon. Afternoon transportation is currently full, so please let your site supervisor know if you no longer need transportation. Fees will continue to apply for students arriving in the morning for all-day programming. Students may also continue to register for the free, afternoon only option. We will continue to offer the three-tier payment options for Friday mornings—$25, $75, and $150. This applies to all programming in a calendar month, regardless of how many fee-based Friday sessions occur. No student will be turned away due to an inability to pay tuition for a given month. If you are unable to pay tuition for a given month, please reach out to Brandon Reynolds 719-293-5093, or El Camioncito Returns in January! An exciting announcement, El Camioncito, Project Dream’s Mobile Learning Center, will be returning in January! El Camioncito is a school bus that has been redesigned for tutoring and enrichment activities. El Camioncito visits different neighborhoods in Lake County to bring fun and learning directly to students after school. Students do not need to register to attend El Camioncito programs. However, students do need to be dropped off by a parent/guardian, and a parent/guardian needs to be available in the case of an emergency or issue while their students are on the bus. Stay tuned for more updates, including a start date and weekly schedule. Look for texts from the Project Dream team in January! | |
Preschool Specifics | |
Hello Center Families, Happy January and Welcome Back! I have truly enjoyed seeing our classrooms full of smiles and learning again. We missed you all! Our program loves to think of ways that we can support and be a resource to families. Thanks to one of our preschool teachers, Lisa Benton, we have a new book resource in our entry vestibule. The little bookshelf is intended as a “leave and borrow” book exchange for families. Feel free to leave 1-2 books from your home for other families to enjoy, and take 1-2 home to enjoy with your families. Reading to your child each night is a great habit and supports strong future literacy and vocabulary skills. This bookshelf can also be used to help with any waiting that might occur in our vestibule before our doors open at 9:00 or in that tricky spot in between PreK and K-2 dismissal. Pick up a book and read! The other resource in our vestibule is our Little Food Pantry. This was donated to The Center many years ago during a service learning project in Kindergarten. It has been with us for many years. Again, this is a leave and take model. Feel free to donate non-perishable items to our little pantry and take things if this will help your family as well! It is amazing when our little program can develop a community in itself. Thanks for being a part of our community! Tanya Lenhard –PreK Director Office phone: 719-486-6928 Cell: 719-293-1055 Classroom and Curriculum Updates: Home to School Connection: – CKLA home to school connection tip: This week our students learned about two classic fables, Lion and the Mouse and City Mouse, Country Mouse. This shift in learning focuses on story comprehension and retell, a very important literacy skill. – Refer to the take home materials to read about and ask questions about Lion and the Mouse. Who woke the lion by running across his paw? How did the lion feel about being awakened? What did the lion decide to do when the mouse said he would be his friend? How did the mouse later help the lion? – You can also read about City Mouse, Country Mouse using the story found in your yellow folder. Complete the “Dinner with the City Mouse” activity by using the characters to retell the story. – Remember to ask your child about the friendship skills they are learning at school. Students have been learning to get a friend’s attention, ask a friend to play, or ask a friend for a toy. These lifelong social skills support our children in all areas of development. Kelly Horning Assistant Director Office Phone: 719-486-6927 Family Engagement Corner What a treat it has been this week to see all the smiling faces of our students, our families, and our staff! I hope everyone had a wonderful Winter Break and we are all ready to have a SPECTACULAR 2nd SEMESTER! An important part of our program is listening to you (our Parents and Families) and gathering information to enable us to best serve you, your child, and your family. We listen to you and appreciate your feedback! With that in mind, you were asked to complete a Family Partnership Agreement at your child’s orientation. This confidential document was divided into several categories where you were asked to select topics that were of interest to you and ones in which you would like more information or assistance. Completing that document helps as we work together to access the resources and services you may need to reach your goals. One of the topics of interest listed on the Family Partnership Agreement is “Helping children feel good about themselves.” This topic was selected frequently and one I would like to address this month with a four-part series focused on “Building Positive Self-Esteem in Preschoolers.” Building Positive Self-Esteem in Preschoolers This month, we are exploring a topic close to every parent’s heart: building positive self-esteem in preschoolers. As caregivers and educators here at The Center Preschool, we understand the profound impact self-esteem has on a child’s overall development and happiness. By nurturing their self-worth during these crucial years, we can empower our little ones to grow into confident and resilient individuals. In this series, we will address the importance of self-esteem in preschoolers, define what self-esteem means for these young learners, and discuss how we can effectively build and strengthen their positive self-image. We will explore valuable insights and practical strategies to help your child develop a strong sense of self and embrace their unique qualities. “Self-esteem is the real magic wand that can form a child’s future. A child’s self-esteem affects every area of their existence…” -Stephanie Martson Understanding Self-Esteem in Preschoolers What is self-esteem? When we talk about self-esteem, we’re referring to the way children perceive and value themselves. It encompasses their beliefs about their abilities, worth, and overall self-image. In the world of preschoolers, self-esteem lays the foundation for their emotional well-being and sets the stage for future success in various aspects of life. Factors Influencing Self-esteem in Preschoolers – Preschoolers’ self-esteem is shaped by a combination of factors, including their family environment, peer interactions, and the role of their teachers/caregivers. Within their families, the love, support, and encouragement they receive are crucial in nurturing their self-esteem. Positive interactions with siblings and parents, as well as consistent praise for their efforts, can significantly contribute to their growing sense of self-worth. – As our children grow, it can be increasingly difficult for parents to watch them venture out into the big wide world and take on new experiences in social settings. Sometimes they will be met with victories of inclusion and an awesome playtime, and other times rejection and disappointment could arise. Peer interactions become increasingly important during the preschool years. Positive experiences with friends and classmates help children develop social skills, gain acceptance, and feel a sense of belonging. On the other hand, negative experiences, such as teasing or exclusion, can impact their self-esteem negatively. It’s all part of the rise and fall of growing up, and as parents and teachers/caretakers, we can be there for each moment to offer support and encouragement. – Teachers/Caregivers play a vital role in fostering self-esteem in preschoolers. By providing a safe and inclusive learning environment, such as those offered here at The Center Preschool, teachers/caregivers can encourage children to explore their abilities, celebrate their accomplishments, and learn from their mistakes. Their guidance and support can help children develop a positive self-perception and a belief in their own capabilities. What a relief for parents, right? Knowing that your child is in the hands of caring adults who are fully trained to help them navigate these situations in a healthy way that will benefit their future is a true gift. Understanding these factors allows us to recognize the significant influence we have as caregivers, parents, and educators in shaping our preschoolers’ self-esteem. By being mindful of these influences, we can create an environment that promotes healthy self-esteem and empowers our little ones to thrive. (More information from the Original Article can be found at the following link.),and%20learn%20from%20their%20mistakes. Please know we greatly appreciate and value your input as we partner with you in the development of your child. Thank you for your help and if you ever have a question or concern regarding your child and their development, please reach out to our amazing staff. We are always willing to assist you. Take Care — Best Wishes for an amazing 2025! Rhonda H. DeVoe Preschool Family and Community Engagement Manager Office Phone: (719) 486-6925/Cell Phone: (719) 293-1403 | |
PK-2 Important Dates | |
Important Dates: – January 13-16: Middle of Year DIBELS (literacy) testing for K-2 – January 14-February 13: ACCESS testing for multilingual students in K-2 – January 16: K-2 Panther Day during Specials- Winter Wonderland – January 23: K-2 Dollar Day (flier below) – January 30: K-2 Community Meeting- Craftsmanship led by 2nd Grade | |
Fliers | |
One Community Project 12/19/24Leadville and Lake County have launched the One Community Project, a year-long initiative to create a shared vision and comprehensive plan for the future of our community. Guided by input from the people who live and work here, this plan will shape the policies, programs, and projects of both the City and County for the next 10 years to ensure a future that reflects the values of our diverse community. Whether you’ve lived here for generations or just moved in, your voice matters in shaping Leadville and Lake County’s future. We need your help – Share what you love, fear, and hope for Leadville and Lake County by completing a quick Values form ( to learn more about the project, explore upcoming events, and find ways to get involved. Your voice matters—together, we can shape a future that reflects the heart of our community!_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Leadville y el Condado de Lake han lanzado El Proyecto Una Comunidad/One Community Project, una iniciativa de un año para crear una visión compartida y un plan integral para el futuro de nuestra comunidad. Guiado por los aportes de las personas que viven y trabajan aquí, este plan dará forma a las políticas, programas, y proyectos tanto de la Ciudad como el Condado durante los próximos 10 años, garantizando un futuro que refleje los valores de nuestra comunidad diversa. Ya sea que haya vivido aquí por generaciones o que se haya mudado recientemente, su voz es fundamental para dar forma al futuro de Leadville y el Condado de Lake. Necesitamos su ayuda – Comparta lo que ama, teme y espera para Leadville y el Condado de Lake completando un breve formulario de valores ( Visite para obtener más información sobre el proyecto, explorar eventos futuros y descubrir formas de involucrarse. ¡Su voz importa – juntos, podemos construir un futuro que refleje el corazón de nuestra comunidad! Dear Lake County Students and Families,We are excited to invite students from Lake County Schools to register for swim lessons at Swim Squared LLC with Coach Eric Godsman! Whether you are a beginner or looking to improve your swimming skills, Coach Eric is dedicated to helping students of all ages achieve their aquatic goals in a fun and safe environment. Registration is now open for swim lessons at Swim Squared, located in Leadville, Colorado. To sign up, simply visit our website at, where you can find more information and register for lessons.For any questions or more details, please feel free to contact us:Phone: 719-293-2227Email: We look forward to welcoming your child to our swim program!Best regards, Coach Eric Godsman Swim Squared LLC Leadville, Colorado Spanish Invitation: Estimados Estudiantes y Familias del Distrito Escolar del Condado de Lake,¡Estamos emocionados de invitar a los estudiantes del Condado de Lake a inscribirse en lecciones de natación en Swim Squared LLC con el Entrenador Eric Godsman! Ya sea que estés comenzando o quieras mejorar tus habilidades acuáticas, el Entrenador Eric está comprometido a ayudar a estudiantes de todas las edades a alcanzar sus metas de natación en un ambiente seguro y divertido.Las inscripciones ya están abiertas para lecciones de natación en Swim Squared, ubicado en Leadville, Colorado. Para inscribirte, simplemente visita nuestro sitio web en, donde podrás encontrar más información y registrarte.Si tienes alguna pregunta o necesitas más detalles, no dudes en contactarnos:Teléfono: 719-293-2227Correo electrónico: ¡Esperamos dar la bienvenida a tu hijo/a en nuestro programa de natación!Atentamente, Entrenador Eric Godsman Swim Squared LLC Leadville, Colorado |