March 8, 2021
- CCHS’s first priority group of students will be returning to school for in person learning full time after Spring Break. Students who qualify for this opportunity talked about it with CCHS staff during student-led conferences. The first week to come full time is March 30, 31, and April 1.
- The CMC Presidential Scholarship application deadline is extended to May 1.
- The CMC course catalog will be coming out right after Spring Break. Students who expressed interest in CMC courses during student-led conferences will be selecting those with CCHS staff the week we return from spring break.
- Soccer Season is starting! This year, due to COVID-19, both boys’ and girls’ soccer will be in the spring. The boys’ regular season will start March 8 and run through April 17. The girls’ regular season starts April 26 and runs through June 12. Eligibility for athletics and activities at CCHS works a bit differently than at traditional high schools. Please reference page 11 in the CCHS Manual para padres y estudiantes and page 10 in the CCHS Student Parent Handbook for an outline of how this works at Cloud City High School. Please do not hesitate to contact any CCHS staff member with questions about eligibility!
- Upcoming Testing Schedule:
SAT for students listed as 11th grade will be Tuesday, April 13 at 8am.
PSAT for students listed as 10th grade will be Wednesday, April 14 at 8am.
BreakTest for all CCHS students will be April 26, 27 or 28 depending on your main cohort day.
All students who test will have early release on those days.