Lake County Intermediate School News Blog

LCIS Friday Afternoon Shout Out 1-31-25

Hello LCIS Panthers,  6th grade students hosted this month’s community meeting on Wednesday. They shared a timeline of the history of chocolate production in their presentation of learning. So many of our guests were...

LCIS Friday Afternoon Shout Out 1-24-25

Hello LCIS Panthers,  What a chilly week we’ve had! Thank you for monitoring communication from the district to stay informed about changes to school schedules due to the weather. Please continue to encourage and...

LCIS Friday Afternoon Shout Out 1-17-25

Hello LCIS Panthers,  This week students took multiple reading assessments for DIBELS. All students took an Oral Reading Fluency (ORF) assessment 1:1 with their teacher. This test measures how many words a student reads...

LCIS Friday Afternoon Shout Out 1-10-25

Hello LCIS Panthers,  We’ve had such a nice week back at school together! It’s been a great start to 2025! We’re so impressed with how our students and staff have fallen back into the...

LCIS Friday Afternoon Shout Out 12-20-24

Hello LCIS Panthers,  What an exciting launch into our Winter Break!  As some of you may have noticed, we had to evacuate the building on Thursday afternoon just minutes before dismissal due to a...

LCIS Holiday Happiness

What is the easiest way to decorate the whole building for the winter holidays?  Have a door decorating contest!  Students and teachers collaborated to come up with their best Winter Holiday design.  They were...