April 5, 2021
- Announcing the inaugural Colorado Virtual Career Fair for youth!
Date: April 19-22, 2021
Time: 4:00pm to 6:30pm each evening (4-5p Career Panel, 5-6p Career Panel & 6-6:30p Special Topic Presentation)
Flyer in Spanish, Flyer in English
Educator/Adult/Family Registration form: https://forms.gle/dmFeLaFnG41YqWHy8
Youth Registration form: https://forms.gle/Ud9BMuHqtCcfg7GB6
- Text HOME to 741741 to connect with a Crisis Counselor Free 24/7 support at your fingertips
- High School Athletics Eligibility:
Feb. 5, Feb. 26, March 19,April 16, May 7, May 28 - Get Outdoors Leadville! Community Gear Library Grand Opening Celebration – April 17th, 10am-6pm Get Outdoors Leadville! (GOL!) is so excited to welcome the Lake County Community to YOUR brand new Community Gear Library building, located on the local Colorado Mountain College campus! GOL! is committed to breaking down cultural, social, and physical barriers that can make it difficult for under-privileged groups to access and enjoy outdoor spaces. The Community Gear Library is a place where families and community members of all backgrounds can borrow outdoor equipment and clothing, learn about local trails and spaces, and explore their connection to nature. Come join us for our grand opening on April 17th from 10am-6pm for free outdoor FUN and adventures all day! This is a family-friendly event where all are welcome. Activities will be offered in both English and Spanish, and COVID precautions will be followed. We can’t wait to see you there, no rsvp required! More details here.
- If your family has changed your address or telephone numbers since your online registration back in July/August, please contact the front office, 719-486-6950, to update your information. It is very important that LCSD maintains your most current contact information!
- Even though school meals continue to be free for all students through this school year due to the United States Department of Agriculture school meal waivers, a second round of Pandemic-EBT benefits will be available soon, only for students who are eligible for Free or Reduced priced school meals (no additional P-EBT application will be required). If your family has not applied for Free and Reduced school meal benefits for this current school year, we encourage all families, including our virtual students, to apply. If your family applied for Free and Reduced priced school meals earlier in the year and benefits were denied, you may apply again if you believe that your household size or income has changed, and you may now be eligible. If you need an application you may pick up one at any school front office, use this link to download the application as a PDF –https://www.lakecountyschools.net/for-families/nutrition/nutrition-application/ or contact Leslee Torsell, ltorsell@lakecountyschools.net, 719-486-6954. Applications can be turned in at any school front office Monday-Thursday 8:30 am – 3:30 pm, or mailed to Leslee Torsell, Lake County High School, 1004 W. 4th St., Leadville, CO 80461.