Author: mrvagher

Panther of the Week!

Susie Bullock has been selected as your Panther of the Week! Susie has been a leader on the MS Cross Country team since the beginning of the season. She finished third place in the...

Panther of the Week!

Ella Bullock has been picked as Lake County Panther of the Week! Ella won the first race of the year at Platte Canyon. She consistently gives great effort and has a positive attitude while...

Panther of the Week!

Our first Panther of the Week for the 2020-2021 school year is Josiah Horning! He was nominated for his performances in Cross Country. Josiah has been racing with a lot of passion. He has...

Cross Country Program Competes at Platte Canyon

Congratulations to all Lake County XC Athletes!  Both HS and MS teams looked really strong this past Friday and Saturday as they competed at Platte Canyon. There were many top 5 finishes for both...

MS Sports Seasons Announced

The MS Peaks League, in which Lake County participates, has announced the seasons and sport offerings for the 20-21 school year. The seasons and health mandates will be in alignment with CHSAA requirements. The...