Lake County High School News Blog

Three butterflies flying around a pink rose flower.

7th/ 8th Grade J-Term Communication

Dear 7th and 8th Grade Families, Tomorrow during crew, your student will be receiving this communication to go home. It will contain a document that will need to be signed and returned to your...

Mountains next to a lake on a clear, sunny day.

10th & 11th Grade J-Term Communication

Dear 10th and 11th Grade Families,  Tomorrow during crew, your student will be receiving this communication to go home.  As we approach the end of the year, we wanted to give you a more...

Autumn forest with Colorado mountains in the background.

9th Grade J-Term Communication

Dear LCHS 9th Grade Families, We are excited to announce our collaboration between LCHS and CMC for our last two weeks of school. These last two weeks are geared towards students exploring different pathways...

Large building in surrounded by trees

LCHS 9-12 Finals Information

Dear LCHS Community, Please see information below regarding 9-12 Finals. On Wednesday, May 29th and Thursday, May 30th our 9-12 students will be taking their course finals. This means that students have the next...

Purple flowers set against a backdrop of Colorado mountain range.

News From LCHS 5/18/24

Dear LCHS Community,  We have a lot of wonderful things to celebrate as we end the week here at Lake County High School from school records being beat by our track team, the incredible...

An image displaying pink lilies in bloom.

News From LCHS 5/11/24

Dear LCHS Community,  As we continue into the month of May we have a lot of different events and activities coming up. This past week, we had the opportunity to celebrate our incredible educators....