April 19, 2021
- Seniors! Please vote before this Thursday on your class flower! Here is the link to the form.
- Seniors! Scholarship Night is coming up on April 28, 7-8:30. Each of you will be receiving a scholarship so you and your families are invited to this event where we will announce the scholarships that each of you have received. Each senior can invite 4 people- tickets are available in the office. Doors open at 6:15.
- Hey Seniors, Here is the latest communication about graduation:
We are so excited that graduation season is approaching. We have worked with public health, studied the dial and various options and explored options here around the best way to do an in person graduation that is as close to normal as possible. Based on all of these factors we have decided that we will do a traditional graduation in the gym in two shifts on June 5th. Students with last names A-L will graduate at 9am and last names M-Z will graduate at 12pm. We will clear out the school and clean in between each ceremony. The ceremonies will be identical and important pieces like speeches will be given twice. We are still going to work on our seating plan as well as continue to communicate closely with public health, but at this point in looks like that in this plan each graduate would be able to have 6-8 guests. Both graduations will be streamed on Zoom in English and Spanish. We know the students would like to graduate with all their friends, but after reading student feedback we know that having more family there is ultimately more important than having one ceremony. In fact, in larger schools multiple ceremonies are common and its common to only have a limited number of guests per graduate. We are very excited about having something that will feel normal and celebratory for this amazing class that has been through such a challenging year. If you have family that will not be together due to the last name separation (A-L and M-Z) contact Heather right away and we can do some switching so that grandparents, aunts, uncles etc… can see as many of their family members graduate as possible. We know this year has been challenging and there is no perfect solution as we try to navigate these end of the year events. We are grateful for everyone’s flexibility and open mind as we seek to honor these students.
- Students! There is a new, free service available to those who are struggling with addiction in Chaffee, Custer, Fremont and Lake Counties. Here is a flyer with more information.
- CMC is going to offer a construction class for CCHS and LCHS students (ages 16 and up) starting this April! There are 5 spots available. Please tell Heather or Mona if you are interested! Here is more information about the course:
- The course will run May 17th– June 18th
- There will be 30 hours of classroom instruction and 60 hours of on-site experience a week (students must have transportation)
- On site hours will be Wed & Thurs 1pm – 4pm and Friday 9am – 4pm.
- Students would be paid a standard $12 per hour when working on site.
- Denver Health is hosting vaccine clinics all weekend (and the two following as well) for ALL Colorado students (not just DPS) are eligible to sign up for an appointment. Students 16 or over can call 303-602-8958 to set up an appointment. Parental consent can be given through Denver Health’s online platform or in-person. See the link below for more information. https://www.dpsk12.org/coronavirus/student-vaccine/
- Students who need Service Learning time- please join us for a Cloud City Community Farm trip on Thursday, 4/22 from 1-3. Please wear clothes and shoes that you can get dirty!
- Next week is BreakTest. Students will only come to school on their original cohort day (Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday) and will be able to leave after testing. Virtual students will test from home. Please connect with CCHS staff in order to schedule your testing slot if you are a virtual student.
- Lake County Virtual Job Fair: Friday, May 7, 2021, 8:30-10:30 Public – Free https://www.lakecountyedc.com/reopening-checklist
- Weekly meetings for La Raza Unida will now be held from 2:55-3:35 every Wednesday afternoon. You can join the meeting by clicking the meet link at the top of the La Raza Unida google classroom page. We are always looking for energetic young people to be a part of this dynamic group, so please contact Ms. Euceda (ceuceda@lakecountyschools.net) or Ms. Radilla (sradilla@lakecountyschools.net) if you are interested in joining!
- Lake County School District will launch the new Mobile Learning Center! The Mobile Learning Center will start providing its services at the end of the month and the launch party is on May 12th (more details to come). The bus will regularly frequent 4 different neighborhoods in Leadville and provide a number of academic supports, including resources like internet access, as well as bilingual tutoring. See the attached flyers in Spanish and English for details.
- High School Athletics Eligibility:
Feb. 5, Feb. 26, March 19, April 16,May 7, May 28 - Upcoming Events
- April 24 HS Volleyball Frontier League Tournament Conference Championship, Location and Time TBD
- April 26 First day of official practice for Season D – Track and Field and Girls Soccer
- April 27 SAT Make-Up Testing
- May 1 MS Girls Soccer vs VMS @ Berry Creek MS