Schools Rules and regulations governing transportation are established for the operation of all school vehicles.
Transportation is considered a service provided by the school district and all passengers must abide by all rules and regulations.
Passengers who violate rules and regulations are subject to SUSPENSION of their bus/vehicle riding privileges.
Bus/vehicle Rules and Regulations:
- There are video cameras on all buses.
- Students must be prompt at the bus stop. Students should arrive 10 minutes early. When crossing the roadway to meet or leave the bus, students shall wait for the bus driver signal before crossing in front of the bus and must be 10 ft. in front of the bus.
- Any damage on buses by students/passengers are subject to repair charges and/or criminal charges subject to the severity of damage.
- Students/passengers are not permitted to take pictures or videos of other passengers or drivers while on the bus/vehicle.
- Respect the driver and other passengers on the bus/vehicle.
- Passengers are required to always follow the driver’s instructions.
- Passengers are to be seated facing forward with both feet on or near the floor. They are not to be turned sideways, or in the aisle or facing the back of the bus.
- Passengers should remain seated until the bus/vehicle comes to a full stop.
- Passengers may talk quietly while on the bus/vehicle.
- Passengers must be quiet at all railroad crossings.
- There will be NO TOLERANCE for any behavior which jeopardizes the safety of the driver or passengers i.e. drugs, alcohol, smoking, vaping, exiting the rear door, fighting, inflicting bodily harm, vandalism, littering, throwing objects in the bus/vehicle or bullying of any kind. Foul language and obscene gestures will not be tolerated.
- Aisles and the back door of the bus must be kept clear at all times. No feet, legs, backpacks, jackets etc. allowed in the aisles.
- Students shall not open or close a window without permission from the driver.
- There will be no food allowed on the bus/vehicles. If there is a medical reason, please contact the Transportation Department at 719-486-6801 or the school nurse before the student rides a bus/vehicle.
- No objects or body parts shall be out the windows!
- Passengers are NOT ALLOWED to have gum, candy, or food on the bus/vehicle other than a sealable water bottle.
- Electronic devices, the sound must be off, the use of ONE earbud is permitted. Students must be able to hear the driver at all times.
- Absolutely NO SPRAYING of any kind i.e. hair spray, perfume, body spray, deodorant etc. Makeup & Nail products are not allowed on the bus/vehicle.
- If your student is going to have a friend ride the bus they MUST HAVE parent written consent from each parent.
- You may call your student’s school office. The front office will write out the student’s name and bus # to give to the driver. We will not allow any students to ride without prior permission!
Buses/vehicles will be cleaned and sanitized after every trip.
Parents/guardians will be asked to sign an acknowledgement form during registration annually for all students.
If you have any questions, contact the Transportation Department at 719-486-6801.