Supplemental Education Services (SES) in the Lake County School District
Colorado requires that Title I schools with a status of Priority Improvement or Turnaround offer free tutoring to eligible students in need. This program is called Supplemental Education Services, or SES. In 2013-14, SES services will be offered at West Park Elementary to eligible students in grades 1 through 4. West Park is a Title I school with a status of Turnaround. Listed below are important facts about the tutoring services:
Who is eligible for services?
Only certain students are eligible for SES. All non-proficient students, as measured by CSAP, TCAP, CBLA, or ACCESS scores, who attend a Title I school with a status of Priority Improvement or Turnaround are eligible. However, the district may not have enough money to serve all eligible students, in which case the district will give priority to students who are the lowest-performing. Parents will be notified by the school if their child is eligible for SES tutoring.
Who are the tutors?
The State of Colorado and the district has a list of approved tutoring providers in Lake County. A committee of parents of eligible students will evaluate the tutoring providers who are approved for our district. This committee will select the tutoring providers who will serve West Park students this year.
Where is the tutoring?
It varies by provider. Tutoring may take place at the student’s school or home, a local community center, library, church, or neighboring school.
How much is tutoring?
Tutoring is free for eligible students and will be paid for by the school district.
When is tutoring?
Tutoring is provided outside of the school day. It depends on the tutoring provider but services may be offered either before school, after school, on the weekends or during the summer.
How do students get to tutoring?
Parents are responsible for getting their student to and from tutoring services unless the tutoring group or the school district offers transportation.
Why should I consider additional assistance for my student?
Tutoring services will help your student be successful in reading, math or English language acquisition.
What will my student study?
Students will receive extra help in the areas they struggle in at school. The school and the tutor will make goals for each student.
How will I know what my student is doing during the tutoring session?
Tutors are required to send home letters throughout the program to inform you of your student’s progress.
How do I choose the right tutoring provider for my student?
We will provide assistance, guidance and instruction to the parents of eligible students on selecting a tutoring provider.
What if tutoring isn’t helping my student?
A parent may request a different provider if their student is not having success so long as funds remain for your student.
How long is the tutoring program?
Your student is eligible to receive tutoring as long as his/her school remains a Title I school with a status of Priority Improvement or Turnaround.
If you have any questions about the SES program and whether your child is eligible, or if you would like to join the provider selection parent committee, please feel free to contact Kate Bartlett at 719-486-6835 or