Below you will find resolutions that have been passed by the Board of Education. If the resolution was not passed, there will be a notation and only the proposed draft is attached.
2024-2025 School Year
25-02 FY25 Beginning Fund Balance
25-04 Interest Free Loan Program
25-06 Resignation and Declaration of vacancy
25-07 Increase in Grant Fund 42
25-07 Mill Levy Override Ballot language
25-08 Mill Levy Fund Allocation Guidance
25-09 Accreditation of schools
25-11 Notice of Agenda Posting Locations
25-12 Authorizing Conveyance of Real Property
25-13 Commitment to Safe &Welcoming Schools-English
25-13 Commitment to Safe & Welcoming Schools-Spanish
25-14 Revised FY25 LCSD Budget and Resolution
2023-2024 School Year
24-02 District budget and Appropriation for FY 23-24
24-04 Interfund Borrowing FY23-24
24-05 Use of beginning fund balance FY23-24
24-05 Official notice of intent to participate in coordinated election
24-06 Debt Free Schools—-No action taken
24-07 Bond Language Option 1—-No action taken
24-08 Bond Language Option 2—-No action taken
24-10 Establishing Board Member Compensation
24-11 Accreditation of Schools
24-12 Mill levy approval given to CFO —–Not passed
24-14 Notice of agenda posting
24-15 Completion of negotiations for 2024 school year
24-16 Beginning fund balance revised usage for FY23-24
24-17-Resignation and Declaration of a vacancy
24-18 Increase in Grant Fund 22
24-19 Beginning Fund Balance-Funds 26 & 64
24-20 Increase in General Fund 10
24-20 Revised–Increase changed from General Fund to Grants Fund
24-21 Naming of Superintendent finalists
24-22 Revised—Increase in Fund 26
24-23 Property to County for affordable housing
24-24 Increase in Fund 10, 22 and 26
24-26 Define the Scope of the Use of Beginning Fund Balance
24-28 Beginning Fund Balance FY24
2022-2023 School Year
23-03 Accreditation of schools
23-09 Resignation and Declaration of Vacancy
23-10 Increase in Fund 10 and Fund 43
23-12 Budget Appropriations-Health Insurance Fund 64
23-13 Increase in Food Service Fund 21
23-14 Interfund Borrowing FY22-23
23-15 Use of beginning fund balance FY22-23
2021-2022 School Year
22-03 Interest Free Loan–Revised 3/14/22
22-03 Increase in Grants Fund 22
22-06 Increase in Grants Fun 22
22-07 Mill Levy Certification revised
22-08 Project Dream Activity Bus purchase
22-13 Resignation of Ellie Solomon and declaration of vacancy
22-15 Increase in Grants Fund 22