February 8, 2021
Spring Student Led Conferences are coming up on March 2, 3, and 4. You can either sign up on the link that the district sends out or simply call or text any CCHS staff member to sign up. Conferences will be virtual again as they were in the fall.
GOL! is looking for someone to run their gear library. Here is a flyer with more information and here is the online application. Bilingual employees (English/Spanish) are paid $1 extra per hour!
In the event that CCHS goes into the red phase anytime this spring as a result of COVID 19 precautions, students will need to log into a Google Meet with their teachers. The links are below. Please text or call any CCHS staff member in order to find out what time your individual meeting is if we go to the red phase.
Tuesday Cohort https://meet.google.com/xyw-deup-xff
Wednesday Cohort https://meet.google.com/rqn-vypq-yts
Thursday Cohort https://meet.google.com/itn-rhpf-kwd