Panther Football on 9News
Our local Lake County Panther football team will be featured on Channel 9 News on Saturday, August 9th and Sunday, August 10th.
The 9NEWS all-access high school football special, Summer Grind, continues on Saturday and Sunday with Lake County High School.
The Panthers play in rare air. At 10,200 feet Leadville, Colorado is the highest incorporated city in the country and the Panther football team claims to play on the highest field in the world.They’re trying to build a new culture around their football team up in Leadville and that’s the focus of our Summer Grind Special.
Part one will air Saturday (8/9) on the 9NEWS morning show followed by part two on Sunday morning. Here’s the link:
Under Coach Cody Jump, the student-athletes look forward to a successful season in which their hard, pre-season, work will pay off.
Good luck to all of our Panther teams as they show integrity, grit, and intensity during their various upcoming seasons!