West Park’s Celebration of Learning ~ Photos & Videos!
West Park Elementary presented their Celebration of Learning last week, showcasing the work they have been doing in their CREW expeditions. Kindergarten’s work focused on community helpers and the concepts of needs and wants. First grade studied trout and other animals in depth. And second grade delved into the world of bees and how it is similar and different as compared to human communities.
View videos of the grade-level presentations – These presentations kicked off the Celebration and gave parents a taste of what each grade had been working on.
View photos of the peer feedback process leading up to the Celebration – Each student had an individual presentation of their work, and the peer feedback process was used in the week leading up to the Celebration to fine-tune the presentations. Students gave each other feedback on such things as eye contact and voice level.
“A Celebration of Learning is a culminating schoolwide event in which students present high quality work to the school community, families, and members of the greater community. Although we use the term celebration, and there is always joy in the event, it is not like the cast party after a play – it is the play itself. It is a public exhibition of student learning in academics and the arts that features student work and student reflection on learning.
Celebrations of Learning showcase and honor the work of all students, empowering them to take the lead role in communicating about their learning. At a Celebration of Learning, students make the connections among their work, habits of character (such as perseverance and courage), and the Colorado Academic Standards.”
Leaders of Their Own Learning – Berger, Rugen & Woodfin