2020-2021 Registration is Open!
Welcome to the 2020-2021 school year. Registration is open! Registration letters and emails are on the way to you. If you do not receive your packet in the mail or your email, please reach out to the front office after July 20th or contact Bunny Taylor at btaylor@lakecountyschools.net or 719-486-6805. For more information on registration please follow this link to our registration site. Registration is needed for all students and we are asking that you sign up for an Orientation Conference for Aug. 10th or 11th after the completion of your registration.
We know that many families have questions about how the start of school will look this year. We want to let you know that LCSD staff are working on plans toward reopening school. Please watch for additional communications later this month.
We appreciate your patience as we thoughtfully prepare our plan for a return to school that considers the changing directives related to COVID, the instructional wellbeing of our students and the health and safety of our students, staff and community.
Thank you!
Lake County School District