Kindergarten A cohort groups quarantine until 12/18/2020

Dear families of a student in a Kindergarten A cohort:

As you are aware from our communication yesterday, a student or staff member in a kindergarten’s A cohort has been diagnosed with COVID-19. Each case of COVID-19 should be interviewed by public health. As part of this public health investigation:

  • The person diagnosed is being kept home from school until they are no longer infectious. 
  • The person’s activities when they could have spread COVID-19 were assessed. 
  • The people who were close contacts of the person with COVID-19 are instructed to stay home from school for 10 days after the exposure.  This is called quarantine. 
  • Please see detailed instructions and links below for next week’s learning schedule. 

Because it is impossible to assess all interactions in a classroom and because of the length of time which classes spend together, all classroom members are considered close contacts. Your child was in the same class or group as the person diagnosed with COVID-19,  so your child should follow quarantine instructions and must stay home from school for 10 days.  If you have children in other classes, they can still go to school unless their exposed sibling gets sick.  All other family members can continue their regular activities.

Your child can return to normal activities on 12/18/20, 10 days after the last day the person with COVID-19 was in the classroom, as long as they have not developed any symptoms. During this time, your child should stay home and not go to other schools, events, childcares, or other activities around other people. You should continue to monitor closely for the full 14 days after exposure.  Instructions about how to quarantine are available here, English and Spanish information is available through this link: 

If your child develops symptoms consistent with COVID-19:

  • Follow these isolation instructions.
  • Continue to keep your child home from school and avoid other activities around other people.
  • Notify the school.
  • Seek medical care and testing for COVID-19 as appropriate, calling your doctor before you show up.

Public Health may recommend or you may choose to have your child tested for COVID-19 a week after they were around the person with COVID-19, even if your child does not have symptoms. A negative test result does not mean that your child will not develop symptoms or become sick after the test. A negative test result means that your child did not have COVID-19 detected at the time of testing. At this time, a negative test will not allow your child to come back to school or attend other activities sooner. Medical insurance may not cover the cost of testing for people without symptoms. 

If you have further questions, please contact  Kim Sheen 719-293-0975 or your local public health agency.

Please find instructions below as to what the learning schedule will be for your child during this time. Students  will have direct instruction through Google Classroom Meets with Mrs. Fernee or Ms. Dixon on 12/14 and 12/16 during the morning as well as independent work time in the afternoon. Students will complete their regular at-home/2nd day activities on 12/15 and 12/17.  *Please come to the school and pick up packets and supplies. 

*Packets are available outside of WPE to be picked up by families.

Kindergarten Red Instruction

Kindergarten Daily Schedule:

Green times are direct instruction with teachers.

Blue times are breaks/family-directed activities on the independent work time list.

Monday 12/14/20Wednesday 12/16/20
8:00-8:30 CR Success8:00-8:30 CR Success 
8:30-9:00 Math 8:30-9:00 Math 
9:00-9:05 Break9:00-9:05 Break
9:05-9:30 ELA9:05-9:30 ELA 
9:30-9:40 Break9:30-9:40 Break
9:40-10:00 Crew 9:40-10:00 Crew 
10:15-10:45 Small Group Instruction(Group 1: 10:00-10:15, Group 2: 10:15-10:30)10:15-10:45 Small Group Instruction(Group 1: 10:00-10:15, Group 2: 10:15-10:30) 
Afternoon: Independent Work Time (See virtual schedule on Google Classroom)Lexia App: 20-30 minutesDreambox App: 20-30 minutes Raz-Kids App/Reading: 20 minutesHandwriting App: 15 minutes  Packetwork: Handwriting page (15 minutes), Math pages (30 minutes), Literacy pages (30 minutes)Afternoon: Independent Work Time (See virtual schedule on Google Classroom) Lexia App: 20-30 minutesDreambox App: 20-30 minutes Raz-Kids App/Reading: 20 minutesHandwriting App: 15 minutes  Packetwork: Handwriting page (15 minutes), Math pages (30 minutes), Literacy pages (30 minutes)
1:35-2:20 Office Hours – Teacher’s Google Classroom open for student needs1:35-2:20 Office Hours – Teacher’s Google Classroom open for student needs

Student Instructions: 

  • Join Google Meets at the scheduled times above
  • Have materials ready for each class
  • Participate in whole group and small group activities
  • Complete all assignments
  • Ask clarifying questions with regards to the instruction or assignments
  • Watch the lesson videos if absent from real-time lesson or for review

Parent /Guardian Instructions: 

  • Ensure child joins Google Meets at the scheduled times above
  • Ensure child completes their work
  • Communicate with crew teachers with any questions or concerns, including contacting the office if child will be absent. 
  • Ensure child follows online etiquette norms and in a quiet space that allows for learning.
  • Come to the school and pick up packets. Packets are available outside of WPE to be picked up by families. White boards and markers will be available outside as well, if needed.
  • Notify the teacher if extra supplies are needed.
  • Check the Google Classroom stream daily for updates/instructions for Kindergarten.

If you need lunches during this quarantine period for your child, please contact Julie Mehle who is happy to arrange a box of meals for a week’s time. You can call or text her at: 719-293-1040 or email her at

We look forward to seeing everyone back in person when school resumes for second semester on January 4th, 2021.  Thank you for your patience and understanding with this quarantine situation right before the holidays. We are hopeful it can be resolved well to allow you to have special time with your family. 

Thank you again for your partnership during this exceptional time!


The West Park Staff