Good afternoon LCHS Staff
I wanted you to know that I am aware of the Facebook post from Brian that he posted on Saturday evening. I also understand that this may be concerning to you. There were concerns shared that this post was in response to the letter submitted by LCEA. I do not believe this to be true as the LCEA letter was submitted directly from union leadership to myself and the Board of Education. Content of this letter or even knowledge that a letter was submitted has not been provided or discussed by any of these individuals with or to Brian. However, the timing of the post more likely coincides with a conversation I had earlier that day between Brian and myself.
At this time, Brian will not be returning to the school for the remainder of the school year or returning next year. He has allowed me to share that he has selected to travel out of Lake County and will be gone for at least the next two weeks. We have confirmed that he has already left the community.
District and school leadership are committed to providing a safe and engaging learning environment. In the interim, Scott Carroll will be the contact person in your building and interim principal for the rest of the school year for 7th-12th grades. Law enforcement has also been notified. There will be additional law enforcement presence throughout the district over the next two weeks to provide support for all students and staff while they are out in the community and at the schools.
To support the remaining two weeks of school, Scott, Bunny, and I met today to discuss admin needs for this time and we have set a plan to ensure coverage and to meet any identified needs. With this added support, we believe we will be able to continue the plan for engaging activities with students for the last two weeks of school. We want to support the efforts of the building in giving an exciting and engaging conclusion to this school year for our students that you all have worked so hard to plan. We will send out a notification to families that informs them of the plans for the remaining two weeks as well as the upcoming leadership changes and plans forward. We will share with you the letter and plans for the next two weeks that have been shared with families.
We will work on a plan for moving forward over the coming week and share with staff as to how they can contribute and be involved with next steps.
Thank you for continuing to support our students as they complete the year.
Bethany Massey