Ms. Page’s B-cohort in quarantine until Feb. 12.

Dear families of a student in Ms. Page’s B-Cohort. 

A student/staff connected to Ms. Page’s class (B-cohort) has been diagnosed with COVID-19. Each case of COVID-19 should be interviewed by public health. As part of this public health investigation:

  • The person diagnosed is being kept home from school until they are no longer infectious. 
  • The person’s activities when they could have spread COVID-19 were assessed. 
  • The people who were close contacts of the person with COVID-19 are instructed to stay home from school for 10 days after the exposure.  This is called quarantine. 
  • Public Health does not call students to quarantine, please consider this communication as your “Notice to Quarantine”.
  • Please see detailed instructions and links below for this week’s learning schedule. 

Because it is impossible to assess all interactions in a classroom and because of the length of time which classes spend together, all classroom members are considered close contacts. Your child was in the same class or group as the person diagnosed with COVID-19,  so your child should follow quarantine instructions and must stay home from school and stay away from other people for 10 days.  If you have children in other classes, they can still go to school unless their exposed sibling gets sick.  All other family members can continue their regular activities.

Your child can return to normal activities on Friday February 12, 2021, 10 days after the last day the person with COVID-19 was in the classroom, as long as they have not developed any symptoms. During this time, your child should stay home and not go to other schools, events, childcares, or other activities around other people. You should continue to monitor closely for the full 14 days after exposure.  Instructions about how to quarantine are available here, English and Spanish information is available through this link: 

If your child develops symptoms consistent with COVID-19:

  • Follow these isolation instructions.
  • Continue to keep your child home from school and avoid other activities around other people.
  • Notify the school.
  • Seek medical care and testing for COVID-19 as appropriate, calling your doctor before you show up.

Public Health may recommend or you may choose to have your child tested for COVID-19 after February 7th which is five days after they were around the person with COVID-19, even if your child does not have symptoms. A negative test result does not mean that your child will not develop symptoms or become sick after the test. A negative test result means that your child did not have COVID-19 detected at the time of testing. At this time, a negative test will not allow your child to come back to school or attend other activities sooner. At this time, free testing is available at Rocky Mountain Family Practice and St Vincent’s Clinic. You may wish to confirm if there is a cost at the time you make an appointment.  There are also free testing sites in Summit County. 

If you have further questions, please contact  Kim Sheen 719-293-0975 or your local public health agency.

Students will still attend school this week, but virtually. 

Your student is expected to attend class this week on Wednesday and Thursday and next week Monday through Thursday next week. 

  • B-cohort will begin class at 8am. 
  • A-cohort will begin class at 12pm. 

They will use their Google Meets link connected to the Google Classroom.

If you need lunches during this quarantine period for your child, please contact Julie Mehle who is happy to arrange a box of meals for a week’s time. You can call or text her at: 719-293-1040 or email her at

If you have further questions or need support to get your child online for their classes, please contact us at 719-486-6830.


The Lake County Intermediate Staff