Dear Lake County School District Colleagues,
In just a few days we will all be back together again to kick off our 2022-23 school year. I am looking forward to this time we have to celebrate our hard work and efforts of last school year as well as to get excited about the opportunities we have been given with the start of a new year with our students.
Last year we navigated the post pandemic challenges facing our students, staff and community while simultaneously fulfilling challenging work aligned to our strategic plan such as: opening a brand new elementary school, engaging in a district wide curriculum audit resulting in the adoption of a new literacy curriculum and district wide literacy professional development, launched the mobile learning center, engaged families through a new family connector program, opening the new Cloud City High School building, and worked together to be able to offer all staff raises for the coming school year at levels not reached in recent years. With such hard working staff and a full year of moving forward with so many other initiatives not listed, it is hard to believe all that was accomplished last school year.
In our coming year we are looking forward to efforts related to our strategic plan such as the continuation of the literacy work, engaging in revamping our programming for English Learner students, continuing our instructional practices work around the gradual release model, engaging in stakeholder conversations and planning around topics including the district-wide calendar, facilities master planning, equity project work, and much more.
To kick off our new year and the upcoming work, we will have an all district lunch together on August 1. We are asking that all employees of the district prioritize this time together; please make sure you are in attendance and feel free to work any scheduling conflicts that might arise out with your supervisor.
During this kickoff time together we will have the opportunity to introduce new staff as well as to celebrate and recognize our classified and certified staff of the year.
Below you will find a table that outlines many other start of the school year events. If you have any questions about upcoming events, please do not hesitate to contact your front office, your supervisor, or Kathleen Fitzsimmons at the District Office (719-486-6811). We are here to answer your questions and make sure you have everything you need.
I look forward to the excitement of the new year, and I thank you for your dedication to our district. Enjoy the rest of your summer! We look forward to seeing you soon.
Bethany Massey
Beginning of Year Schedule
Date | Event & Time | Location |
July 25 Monday | Principals, Secretaries & Other 200/195-day employees return | All Buildings |
July 29 Friday | New Staff HR Onboarding/Orientation (certified and classified) 8:30 am-11:30 amLCEA Presentation/AFSCME Presentation 11:15-11:30 amLunch 11:30-12:30 pmReturn to home buildings 12:30-4:00 pm | District Office, Room 11 with Kathleen Fitzsimmons (719-293-4678) |
August 1 Monday | All staff return to work 8:00-11:15 PD in home buildings 11:30-12:00 District Welcome @ LCES for all staff12:00-12:30 Lunch @ LCES for all staff1:00-4:00 Work time in home buildings in afternoon | Report to your home building. District welcome @ LCES |
August 2-4 Tuesday-Thursday | All staff Professional Development and Work Time | Individual buildings per schedule (Principals and managers to provide detailed schedules.) |
August 8-9Monday-Tuesday | 10:00-6:00: K-12 orientation conferences with families All Day: Preschool Home Visits | All Schools |
August 8 Monday | 10:00-6:00 Picture IDsAll staff need to have an ID made on one of these days | LCES or LCHS |
August 9 Tuesday | 10:00-6:00 Picture IDsAll staff need to have an ID made on one of these days | LCIS or LCHS |
August 10 Wednesday | 8:00-12:00 Picture IDsAll staff need to have an ID made on one of these days | CCHS/District Office |
August 10-11Wednesday-Thursday | All staff Professional Development and Work Time | Individual buildings per schedule (Principals and managers to provide detailed schedules.) |
August 15 Monday | First Day of School | All Schools |