Art Show Cancelled
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Dear families and community members,
The health and safety of our students, families, and staff is of the utmost importance to us and so it is with very heavy hearts that the Lake County Art Department informs you that the Spring Art Show for 2020 has been cancelled.
We have the privilege of seeing the wonderful creative work that our students are capable of each and every day. We will be posting some of students’ completed artwork from this year on an online showcase over the coming weeks in an effort to share their amazing work with everyone. Also, please watch for an online silent auction that will feature the donations that we have received from businesses this year. This comes with an understanding of the financial hardships that many may be facing currently, and with absolutely no expectations.
Art can be a tremendous resource and outlet during times when things are challenging or stressful. It can help to process feelings and emotions that otherwise have no outlet. We urge you all to use the art activities we have sent home, or create your own time and space for any kind of art making to happen in your days if possible.
We look forward to making art with our students soon! We miss you all very much.Amanda Good
Katie Anderson, Erin Farrow and Amanda Good