LCSD Art Department Participating in Local Online Marketplace/Auction
We hope you and your families are all doing well! As you may know, we have canceled the Spring Art show for this year, however, before we canceled we received several donations for our silent auction. There is a group of community members who have put together an online marketplace/auction for local businesses to sell their goods and services. They have been kind enough to include the Lake County Art Department as an entity that will be receiving donations from this auction, both from some of the goods, and by including our donated items in the auction. Here’s how you can help! Check out all of the amazing items for sale, but keep an eye out for the items labeled “LCSD Art Show Item”. The proceeds from these items, when sold, will come directly to the Lake County Art Department. See below for more information on the online auction that starts at 2:00 today and runs until April 22nd. Thank you for your help in Sharing the Love!!
Take good care,
Amanda Good, Erin Farrow and Katie Anderson
We Love Leadville! Small businesses have provided our community with joy, nourishment, relief, and essentials in the form of art, entertainment, food, beverage and much more. Now they need our support during times of isolation. Steller and Sage Events and Harper Rose Studios in partnership with; the Main Street Program, Chamber of Commerce, Tourism Panel, Herald Democrat and Economic Development Committee have created an online store and auction for you to shop from the convenience of your own home. The seller will receive 100% of proceeds sold by their business. If you wish to contribute beyond the cost of your product or service you can click the green donate button to help raise funds for the Community Disaster Relief Fund.
Lake County School District Art Program: Every year the art department puts on a fun evening with art and entertainment for the public as a means to raise funding for art supplies. Sadly that event has been cancelled this spring and those important funds will be lost. The good news is that some donations had already been made and you will see those as ART auction items. All proceeds from those items will go directly to the School District Art Program.