Board of Education Announces New Superintendent
The Lake County Board of Education is pleased to announce that Bethany Massey will be the district’s new superintendent. She will replace Wendy Wyman who is the current superintendent, leaving at the end of this school year to pursue new professional challenges.
Dr. Massey currently serves as principal and director of assessment in the South Routt School District. Before that, she was director of assessment and technology in the Summit County School District. She has also been a teacher and a coach. She has a PhD in Instructional Technology from Georgia State University where she focused on use of technology in education among Mexican-American youth. She is an outdoor enthusiast and has spent a lot of time in Leadville climbing 14ers, participating in Boom Days, watching ski joring and eating at Quincy’s. Dr. Massey has three boys ranging in age from 1 to 6. She and her husband will be moving to Leadville this summer and looking forward to enrolling their children in Lake County Schools.
Dr. Massey was selected from three finalists after a search launched in November 2019. The search began with community focus groups who named aspects of what they were looking for in a new leader. After that the board went through an extensive and rigorous application and interview process including two town halls with four candidates. All told, the board received 16 applications from across the country.
On Thursday the board conducted final interviews with each of three candidates and gave them a professional task. The board, including one of our student representatives, then met with members of the district office and principals, carefully read through feedback from the town halls, and discussed our three excellent finalists, who each brought unique and important gifts to Lake County.
The school board heard clearly from the community that they were looking for someone who would understand deeply the work that is being done in Lake County and would continue that work, while taking our district to the next level. We believe that we have found that leader in Dr. Massey. Dr. Massey will start on July 1. The board would like to thank the community for bearing with us as we have tried to navigate this decision without being able to bring candidates in to meet with us personally. We are very excited about welcoming Dr. Massey to our community!
Lake County Board of Education