School Based Health Center
Medical and Behavioral Health SBHC services which are provided by the Summit Community Care Clinic are still available at the Summit Community Care Clinic.
We are tending to patients via Telehealth or In Person as needed. Call us at 970-668-4040 to make an appointment.
If you have an established Primary Care Provider, i.e. an established relationship with another Health Care Provider in the county, call them for your Health Care needs.
If you have COVID-19 concerns about symptoms or how to protect yourself you may also refer to the following CDC page that is being updated regularly:
Los servicios Medicos y de Salud Mental de los Centros de Salud Escolares que son un servicio ofrecidos por La Clinica Comunitaria estaran disponibles en la Clinica Comunitaria mientras las escuelas esten cerradas.
Estamos atendiendo a nuestros pacientes por Telehealth (por Video o Telefono) o en persona si es necesario. Llamenos al 970-668-4040 para apartar cita.
Si ya tiene un Profesional de Salud de Cabezera, es decir, una relacion ya establecida con otro Medico en la comunidad, llamelos para sus necesidades medicas.
Si Ud. tiene dudas sobre sintomas del COVID-19 o como protegerse, puede visitar la pagina del CDC que contiene informacion al dia
Link for family resources in the community (Google Doc. link)