Feedback on Back to School Plan Requested
Dear Parents,
As we plan for the start of school in a manner that considers health and safety with the education of our students, the Lake County School District has been working on a plan that is adaptable to the changing status and needs. The district is proposing three modalities of learning within the pandemic. When there is significant spread of the COVID-19 virus within our local community, instruction will be online. When there is moderate spread, instruction will be hybrid or half-time in person and half-time remote. When there is minimal spread, instruction will be face-to-face. The thresholds that define where the status of “significant”, “moderate” or “mild” will be set and are still being defined in coordination with local public health agencies.
In consideration of the results of the May survey sent to our community, as of the first of July, planning for an in-person return was initially supported by local public health. This could shift if the status or thresholds dictate otherwise. In consideration of the work of our staff taskforce, a slow start to school that allows for the implementation of health measures, supporting student’s social emotional needs, preparing students for quick movement into new phases, and monitoring of infection spread data was recommended.
As a result, the district is proposing entering school in the “green” status of face-to-face instruction with a modified re-entry plan that allows for a thoughtful and slow start. We are including in this communication our initial planning toward the look and feel of these days as well as our initial discussions around health protocols that we will put in place. As communicated in our initial timeline, this draft has been sent out to collect feedback from our staff and community. Due to the start of school quickly approaching, we are asking for a quick turn around on response with a Sunday (July 19) at midnight deadline for completion of the survey. This will allow us to consider the feedback and adjust our plans before we begin digging into the departmental logistics that will be required to make these plans happen.
With that said, we do not have all of the details of these plans confirmed. We will continue to roll-out the plans as they develop and in coordination with the initial timeline presented.
We appreciate your collaboration, feedback and input as we develop how we best educate our students through a pandemic.
*please see the detail level of “attending school every day” as described for each school below.
*please see the detail level of “attending school every day” as described for each school below.
The Center (PK) | Re-entry occurs during the first three weeks of school only. All students attend school everyday in a manner that is still being determined. Health department protocols are followed when they are more restrictive than local policy. Early Head Start home visits will continue. Staff will work at the school site daily. | All students attend school daily. Health department protocols are followed when they are more restrictive than local policy.Early Head Start home visits will continue. Staff will work at the school site daily. | Half of students attend school each Monday/Wednesday. The other half of students attend school each Tuesday/Thursday. Activities for days at home will be provided to parents. Early Head Start home visits may be virtual. Staff will work at the school site daily. | No students will attend school within the building. At home learning activities will be provided with virtual classroom meetings scheduled. Early Head Start home visits will be virtual. Staff will work at the school site daily. |
West Park Elementary (K-2) | Re-entry occurs during the first three weeks of school only. All students attend school every day. Only 50% of the students will be inside the building at a time. Classes will be split in half by crew teacher with each half being a set cohort. Cohorts will rotate between in school instruction (led by LCSD teachers) with outdoor crew experiences every other day (led by program staff). Attendance will be taken on the in school instructional days. Staff will work at the school site daily. | All students attend school every day. Social distancing and predetermined health related procedures will be followed. Cohorts of students are defined as a Teacher’s class of students. Attendance will be taken daily. Staff will work at the school site daily. | Half of students attend school each Monday/Wednesday. The other half of students attend school each Tuesday/Thursday. Classes will be split in half by teacher with each half being a set cohort. At-home activities and instruction are provided for remote learning. A technology device will be provided for each student (iPads for K-1; Chromebooks for 2). Attendance will be taken daily. Staff will work at the school site daily. | No students will attend school within the building. At home learning activities will be provided with virtual classroom meetings scheduled. At-home activities and instruction are provided for remote learning. A technology device will be provided for each student (iPads for K-1; Chromebooks for 2). Attendance will be taken daily. Staff will work at the school site daily. |
LC Intermediate (3-6) | Re-entry occurs during the first three weeks of school only. All students attend school every day. Only 50% of the students will be inside the building at a time. Classes will be split in half by teacher with each half being a set cohort. Cohorts will rotate in school instruction with outdoor crew experiences every other day. Attendance will be taken on in school instructional days. Staff will work at the school site daily. | All students attend school every day. Social distancing and predetermined health related procedures will be followed. Cohorts of students are defined as a Teacher’s class of students. Attendance will be taken daily. Staff will work at the school site daily. | Half of students attend school each Monday/Wednesday. The other half of students attend school each Tuesday/Thursday. Classes will be split in half by teacher with each half being a set cohort. At-home activities and instruction are provided for remote learning. A technology device will be provided for each student (Chromebooks). Attendance will be taken daily. Staff will work at the school site daily. | No students will attend school within the building. At home learning activities will be provided with virtual classroom meetings scheduled. At-home activities and instruction are provided for remote learning. A technology device will be provided for each student (Chromebooks). Attendance will be taken daily. Staff will work at the school site daily. |
LC High School (7-8) | Re-entry occurs during the first three weeks of school only. Half the students attend school every day. Students are assigned to a set cohort. Cohorts will rotate in classroom instruction with an online experience. Attendance will be taken every other day. Staff will work at the school site daily. During the online experience day (flexible setting) students will be given crew and school assignments. Students may choose to come to school to work in a supervised setting or may work from home. | All students attend school every day. Students are assigned to a set cohort. Cohorts will rotate in classroom instruction with an online experience. The online experience will occur in a separate classroom with an assigned adult to assist students every other day. Attendance will be taken each day. Staff will work at the school site daily. | All students attend school every day. Students are assigned to a set cohort. Cohorts will rotate in classroom instruction with an online experience. The online experience will occur in a separate classroom with an assigned adult to assist students every other day. Attendance will be taken each day. Staff will work at the school site daily. | No students will attend school within the building. At home learning activities will be provided with virtual classroom meetings scheduled. At-home activities and instruction are provided for remote learning. A technology device will be provided for each student (Chromebooks). Attendance will be taken daily. Staff will work at the school site daily. |
LC High School (9-12) | Re-entry occurs during the first three weeks of school only. Half the students attend school every day. Students will rotate in classroom instruction with an online experience. Attendance will be taken every other day. Staff will work at the school site daily. During the online experience day (flexible setting) students will be given crew and school assignments. Students may choose to come to school to work in a supervised setting or may work from home. | All students attend school every other day. Students are assigned to a set cohort. Cohorts will rotate in classroom instruction with an online experience. The online experience may occur in a separate classroom or from home every other day. Attendance will be taken each day. Staff will work at the school site daily. | Half of students attend school every day. Students are assigned to a set cohort. Cohorts will rotate in classroom instruction with an online experience. The online experience may occur in a separate classroom or from home. Attendance will be taken each day. Staff will work at the school site daily. | No students will attend school within the building. At home learning activities will be provided with virtual classroom meetings scheduled. At-home activities and instruction are provided for remote learning. A technology device will be provided for each student (Chromebooks). Attendance will be taken daily. Staff will work at the school site daily. |
Cloud City High School (9-12) | Re-entry occurs during the first three weeks of school only. One-third of students attend school each day. Students are assigned to a set cohort. Cohorts will rotate one in classroom instructional day with two online instructional days. Internship opportunities will be scheduled on non classroom instructional days pending local public health guidance. Attendance will be taken each day. Staff will work at their home-base site daily. | One-third of students attend school each day. Students are assigned to a set cohort. Cohorts will rotate one in classroom instructional day with two online instructional days. Internship opportunities will be scheduled on non classroom instructional days pending local public health guidance. Attendance will be taken each day. Staff will work at their home-base site daily. | One-third of students attend school each day. Students are assigned to a set cohort. Cohorts will rotate one in classroom instructional day with two online instructional days. Internship opportunities will be scheduled on non classroom instructional days pending local public health guidance. Attendance will be taken each day. Staff will work at their home-base site daily. | No students will attend school within the building. At home learning activities will be provided with virtual classroom meetings scheduled. At-home activities and instruction are provided for remote learning. A technology device will be provided for each student (Chromebooks). Attendance will be taken daily. Weekly check-ins with staff will occur virtually. Staff will work at the school site daily. |
Below are the guidance protocols related to health that LCSD has drafted as practices and procedures for the start of school. Adjustments to this plan will be made through July 30th and communicated to our families in the final handbook. After this date, changes may be made in collaboration with local public health or as the district identifies a need. If changes occur after July 30, communication updates will be provided to our families. |
Start Dates: All adult (parent events or staff events) gatherings such as orientation will occur but will follow local public health guidelines (groups of 50 or less, 6 feet distance and masks – as of 7/16/2020)Continue with our start date of August 17th, 2020 following our “Re-Entry Phase”Re-entry phase to run for three weeks with a movement into the academic learning approach that aligns with the predetermined thresholds (currently this would be the “green” or face-to-face model).Orientation Conferences to occur on August 10th and 11th and in person, following local public health orders.Masks: Staff and students will be provided with face coverings and will be required to wear these coverings (or comparable) in public spaces per Governor Polis’s Executive Order. Staff and students will be expected to wear face coverings where a social distance of 6 feet cannot be maintained.HydrationStudents will be provided with a water bottle to limit the need for students to use a community water fountain. There will be a variety of colors to limit confusion. Each school will have a plan for ensuring the water bottles remain at school and are clean.Cohort Grouping:Students will be grouped into cohorts that they will travel in throughout the day in order to minimize risk factors. Cohorts during the “re-entry phase” will be approximately half the size of the normal class. Physical Distancing:Students and staff will be asked to maintain social distance while traveling throughout the buildings. While in the classroom students need to be seated 3 feet apart from each other and wearing masks. Recess times may be staggered, groups remain in cohorts, or modified to meet the state’s guidelines.Bus Transportation:TBD on 7/20/2020.District is encouraging parents to transport their students to school. Busses are to be utilized as a hardship transportation source to limit the amount of students on busses.Hand Washing and Sanitizing:Students will be required to wash hands at regular intervals and prior to eating. (upon entry, before snack, before lunch, after restroom use, etc)Temperature & Screening:Staff are responsible for taking and reporting their own temperatures daily. Students will have their temperatures taken by a designated staff member within 15 minutes of entering the building and follow district protocol if students present with a temperature. Building Entry/Exit:Greeters will kindly remind students at parent drop-off to maintain social distancing and to put their masks on. Doors will be propped open at arrival and dismissal times to limit the amount of contact with handles.Only staff and students will be allowed beyond the front office of our buildings to limit exposure, except in the case of emergencies. While we love and appreciate our parent involvement, at this time other adults will not be allowed for visits beyond our front office. |
Asynchronous Instruction:
Instructors provide materials, lectures, tests, and assignments that can be accessed at any time. Students may be given a timeframe.
At home learning activities:
Activities that have been provided by teachers/school for independent student work. The work is to be completed at home.
A defined, small group of students/staff who interact together with limited to no interaction with other people in the building.
Mitigating factor:
An element or process used to eliminate risk.
Synchronous Instruction:
Classes that require students and instructors to be online at the same time.
Predefined metrics related to local covid infection rates. Thresholds will be used to move between school instructional plans (face-to-face, hybrid, online).