Safety Concern Follow Up 1/12/21
Shortly after 3PM we were made aware of a safety concern in our community. With limited information at a critical time, the district selected to hold all walkers and bus riders and implemented a controlled release of students to parents as we sought to learn more information. With guidance from local Emergency Management and Law Enforcement, bus routes were resumed.
It has come to our attention that the safety concern has resulted in a tragic loss of life. In response, each school in the district will have members of the Crisis Team to support students and staff through this challenging situation. Members of the team urge us to remember that reactions to such a tragedy are varied. If your child needs support you can assist them by taking time to listen and talk with them. We will have counselors available at school tomorrow for those individuals who may wish to access in-school support.
As always, safety is our top priority and we appreciate your patience as we worked through today’s event.
Thank you,
Lake County School District