Dear Families of West Park Students,
In this new phase of 100% in-person learning, Project Dream will be housed in West Park running enrichment activities with students during the school day. These activities will take place during specials time. This will create consistency for students as they will continue to be with their small group during specials. On the same rotating basis currently used, half the class will go specials and half the class will do social-emotional learning lessons and outdoor GOL! activities with Project Dream. All Project Dream programming is optional.
You are receiving this message because your student was not in 2nd Day Programming with Project Dream you have not yet signed a Project Dream waiver, we will need this in order for your child to participate.If you do not have any objections to your child participating in Project Dream programming please sign the waivers below. If you have any questions please contact Taylor Rapke at 719-293-5363.