ALL Parent/Teacher Conferences To Be Remote
Dear Parents/Guardians,
With the rising number of active COVID cases in our community and out of an abundance of caution, we have made the decision to move our conferences to a remote mode.
School for students will run as scheduled this week. Please remember that students will be released early on Wednesday and Thursday.
The scheduled conference day and time slot that you initially requested will remain the same.
If you have not yet signed up, the links to the conferences are here:
English link to conference scheduler
Spanish link to conference scheduler
Instead of arriving at the buildings, you will sign on to a remote session using the directions provided by your child’s classroom teacher(s).
Please watch for further communication from your child’s school and/or teacher.
If internet accessibility is a challenge for you and your family, please notify your child’s teacher to make arrangements for a phone conference.
Thank you for your understanding.
Lake County School District