Soccer for Life: LCHS Students Study Soccer-Related Careers
Members of the high school boys’ soccer team traveled to Denver on May 8 as part of an initiative called Soccer for Life. This new project will connect academics to soccer-related careers. On the trip, players met with the Men’s Soccer Coach at Metro State College and toured their new soccer complex. Then the team spent an hour at Populous, an architecture and event management firm specializing in stadiums and sports events. The evening was capped off by a Colorado Rapids professional soccer match. Before the game, the team met in a luxury suite with the Director of Marketing, and then fieldside with the Head Groundskeeper, who provided an overview of the complex heating and ventilation system that underlies the field. The team was invited onto the field for the National Anthem, then settled into a very rainy night of professional soccer! Soccer for Life is one of three outcomes of the LC Inspire class taught this year by Erin Allaman and Peter Frykholm and funded by a LCBAG Youth Master Plan mini-grant.