LCSD Launches Early College in 2017-18
Last week, the Colorado State Board of Education approved Lake County’s application to form an Early College. We have been working hard over the past few years to ensure that a greater number of LCHS students have access to concurrent enrollment at Colorado Mountain College; we have already had a number of students earn their associate degrees while also earning their high school diploma. The Lake County Early College will support 11th and/or 12th grade students who are interested in pursuing their associate degree along with their high school diploma. The program is aligned with our updated graduation requirements and will continue to increase access to higher education. Our Early College will be housed in the Lake County High School campus. Students who are enrolled will graduate with a high school diploma and an associate degree or 60 hours of college coursework. This early college structure formalizes the pathway for those students who are interested in earning both their associate degree and high school diploma. You can learn more about our Early College in the proposal we submitted to the State Board of Education. If you have questions about this new offering, please contact us!