Board of Education-Board Notes for Nov. 2018
Notes from November 13, 2018:
- Our focus this month was on The Center. We learned about the full implementation of The Creative Curriculum. We were excited by the alignment between this curriculum and Expeditionary Learning principles and practices.
- We received an update from Becca Katz and the GOL! programs. Becca showed us a video about the fly fishing class at the high school that demonstrated how GOL! helps our district make engaging and rigorous education a reality.
- We heard an update from Rob Duren at the DOOR program, along with Ben Cairns, about the discussion underway of turning DOOR into a school of its own called Cloud City Alternative.
- We examined the relationship between reading readiness data and scores on state tests. In essence, we learned that reading readiness scores are a very good predictor of how well students will do on CMAS (Colorado Measures of Academic Success). We also learned that to reach our goals, our students need to be “blue”—above benchmark—on their DIBELS (reading readiness assessments).
Coming up on December 11 at 7 PM at Pitts Elementary School in the District’s “New” Board Room, Room 11:
- We will review and vote on approval of the audit. (Postponed until January Regular Meeting)
- We will discuss the masterplan in the hopes of approving it in January.
- We will hear reports from the Student Summits that were organized by student representatives Emma Dallas and Michaela Sanchez.
Your school board: Eudelia Contreras 970-406-1624; Jeff Fiedler 720-209-8852; Amy Frykholm (president) 970-333-1342; Stephanie McBride 719-293-0155; Ellie Solomon 303-562-5503 (vice president).