LCSD Values Equity and Diversity
Lake County School District values equity, social justice and diversity.This is represented in our long-held board goal: Diversity and culture make us better; we create a space that is safe, inclusive, and welcoming for all. We are deeply saddened by recent events that exemplify our country’s long and complicated legacy of systemic racism. Our hearts go out to our community and communities across the country as we all struggle to find the way forward from recent reprehensible acts of racism and unconscionable injustices. We are committed to ensuring that our staff and students have opportunities to understand and rise above this shameful legacy that is too often obscured in our history. We also pledge to support our students to become future leaders who guide us forward towards a new era of equality free of oppression.
It is our firm belief that schools have a vital role to play in the health of our democracy. Not only do students learn about our history and government, but they have a chance to participate in basic democratic processes as well as build and form relationships which creates empathy. Empathy is a core democratic value in that it allows us to self govern out of not just our own individual interests, but in the broader interests of our neighbors, community, and fellow citizens. These moments allow us to reflect on our role in these processes as well. We stand firm in our commitment to play a civic and social role in a way that benefits all people in our society.
Together with you all, we hope that we can continue to work towards a more just, equitable and fair society.