Looking for rewarding, part time work in town? Project Dream is hiring for club leaders!
Project Dream Leader Job Description
Out of School Time through the Lake County School District encompasses both After School – Project Dream and
Friday – Project Dream.
After School programs take place Monday-Thursday from 4:00-6:00 when school is in session
after school hours. Fridays are full-days of programming from 9:00-3:00 that will be held on most Fridays during the
school year when LCSD is on a 4-day week schedule.
Job Description: Out of School Time programs are looking for responsible, well trained adults to provide club activities
to a small group of students outside of regular school hours. A Leader’s job is to meet students where they are to help
promote success while having fun! Programs provide both academic and enrichment support to students.
● Certified teachers or community members with specific expertise
● Prior experience working with students in an academic and/or extracurricular setting
● Enthusiasm, passion, and commitment to students’ interests
● Patience and a positive attitude
● Willingness to learn and apply new techniques to connect with students
● Ability to commit to one full semester of programming
The main responsibility of Leaders is to run a club of interest for students or help students learn during out of school
hours. This may include teaching new skills indoors or outdoors, reviewing school day content, explaining how to solve
problems, and using online programs such as Lexia, DreamBox, Reading Plus, or IXL.
● Support differentiated needs of students, including students with behavioral needs or IEPs, in order to help
students achieve their highest potential.
● Supervise and serve as a role model to groups of students, providing behavior support through a Positive Youth
Development framework.
● Follow the action step protocols for behavioral concerns as outlined in the LCSD Project Dream Staff Handbook.
● Effectively communicate with school Site Supervisors regarding any concerns.
● Required (paid) staff training on August 26: 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
● Fall Semester: September 6-December 15, Spring Semester: January 3-June 9
● After School – Project Dream: M-TH during both fall and spring semesters from 4:00-6:00 pm
● Friday – Project Dream: Fridays during both fall and spring semesters, 9:00 am-3:00 pm
Compensation: Pay is $16-$25/hour dependent upon experience, certification, and years worked.
Contact: To apply please send a resume and cover letter to Taylor Trelka (ttrelka@lakecountyschools.net). In your cover letter please specify which program you are interested in working (After School – Project Dream or Friday – Project Dream) and which school you are interested in working at (LCES, LCIS, or LCHS).
LCSD is an equal opportunity employer.