School Closure 4-26-2018
April 20, 2018
Dear Lake County Parents and Families,
Colorado ranks among the lowest states in funding for educational funding in general. A recent study indicated that Colorado ranks as the lowest state in regards to the competitiveness of wages for teachers. This lack of funding continues to prevent us from delivering the education that we believe our students deserve.
The Lake County Education Association, which is made up of teachers from across Lake County School District, is working with the Colorado Education Association to advocate for better funding of education. On Thursday, April 26th many teachers, staff and administrators and their families from Lake County will join educators from across the state to march at the Capitol in Denver. Working together LCSD and LCEA are supporting our teachers and administrators to join educators from across the state to participate in a rally at the Capitol in Denver on Thursday, April 26th.
Because so many of our teachers, staff and administrators want to join the march, we will not be able to run school on Thursday, April 26th and all Lake County School District Schools will be closed for students. There is no school on Thursday, April 26th.
Teachers, staff and administrators who attend the march in Denver will use personal leave time to attend and teachers, staff and administrators who do not take leave will report to school for a workday.
LCSD and LCEA will work together to send busses to Denver so that faculty, staff, administrators, students and community members can participate in the rally. If you are interested in joining us, please contact Bunny Taylor at 719-293-0738 (call or text) or email at
Just as a reminder, per the regular school calendar there is also no school on Friday, April 27th and Monday, April 30th. We look forward to seeing students again on Tuesday, May 1st.
Thank you,
Wendy Wyman Erin Farrow Roxie Aldaz Cody Jump
Superintendent LCEA Co-President LCEA Co-President LCEA Building Representative