Panther Day at WPE and LCIS
On October 21st LCSD kicked off our first Panther Day at LCIS and West Park! The morning portion was focused on Crew and academic enrichment/intervention while the afternoon portion was focused on physical activity. During the afternoon, students at West Park did snow and gym activities while a group of students at LCIS learned about bike maintenance and mechanics and another group volunteered at the Cloud City Farm Greenhouse.
Our second Panther Day will take place this Friday, November 1st. Students will again be engaging in academic and Crew activities in the morning. In the afternoon, they will be learning about the Mexican holiday, Day of the Dead. This cultural celebration addresses a few standards including the first grade Social Studies standard, 1.2 The diverse perspectives and traditions of families from many cultures have shaped the United States, as well as the second grade Social Studies standard, 1.2 People of various cultures influence neighborhoods and communities over time. This cultural celebration will take place in the West Park gym with students from both schools. Families are more than welcome to join us from 1:30-3:00 in the West Park gym for this event!
Additionally, please follow this link for more information about the schedule and registration for Out of School programs which includes both Panther Days and After School – Project Dream.