After school activities cancelled for Feb. 24th
Student and staff safety is always our primary concern. As a safety precaution due to high winds and the amount of snow received this weekend, and in consultation with the Lake County Office of Emergency Management, after school activities are being cancelled on Monday, February 24th to allow time for staff and students to get home safely. If your students attends Project Dream today, please call the front office to confirm after school instructions for your student today. West Park-719-486-6890, LCIS 719-486-6830, and LCHS 719-486-6950.
Alpine and Nordic ski practice and basketball practice may still be held tonight. A final decision on those practices will be made at 3:00 today.
The community meeting that was to be held tonight at West Park for the new preschool-2nd grade building is being rescheduled to Monday, March 2nd at 6:15 pm.