Instructional Plans Update~3/25/2021
Dear Staff, Families and Community Members,
Thank you very much for your participation in the surveys inquiring about the future of our instructional approach to school for this year.
This past week has been another hurdle of very challenging decisions placed before our school board directors. Based on the results of the surveys, there continue to be very passionate feelings from our staff and families about how we should be continuing our instructional programming. During the board meeting a comment was made that you can read one set of reasons why we should do one thing and be persuaded, and read a second set of opposing views and be persuaded the opposite. It is true! There are strong points to be made for all reasons about how to move forward and there continues to be split passions from our staff, families, and community about what our stakeholders would like to see.
As part of the decision last week, Board directors learned of a challenge to continue our hybrid programming for our K-6 students. We have a high likelihood of loosing some of our 2nd day support staff. Staff have other obligations, such as returning to 100 Elk, which do not allow them to complete the school year. These staff shortages became a strong consideration toward the ultimate decisions.
Ultimately, on Friday March 12th, our Board Directors voted (in a split vote) in favor of the instructional plans as presented by Principals at Tuesday’s board meeting. A link to the descriptions of the plans can be found here:
Please watch for communications from your principals with specific building-level communications about future programming that will begin in April.
Thank you so much for your continued support in planning for instruction this school year.
Lake County School District