Orientations for preschool families are coming up on August 4 & 5

Orientations for preschool families are coming up on Tuesday, August 4 and Wednesday August 5. All families are required to complete an orientation each year before the first day of school.
Orientations are done by appointment. Enrolled families should have received both a phone call to schedule their appointment and a reminder letter in the mail. If you do not yet have an orientation time scheduled, or if you need to reschedule your orientation, please contact Lisa Roeder at lroeder@lakecountyschools.net or 719-486-6928.
During your orientation, you will have the opportunity to visit the school building, complete enrollment paperwork, meet your child’s teachers, set up an appointment for your home visit, and ask all the questions you have about the first day of school.
Please be sure to complete all of the paperwork you received in your acceptance packet in June and bring it with you to turn in.
For the safety of children, families, and staff, everyone attending orientation must wear face coverings and observe appropriate distancing practices.
Please call The Center at 719-486-6920 if you have any questions at all about your orientation.
We look forward to seeing you.